Beanies & headbands for cozy texture-Trachten Gamsbart for Alpine Hats

Size Small - 4.25" Medium - 5.5" Large - 7.25"

Alpen Schatz™ Gamsbart for Alpine Hats

A Gamsbart is the beard of an Alpine Gams (also known as Chamois) which is an Alpine goat-antelope native of the European Alps. The Gamsbart ornament worn on Alpine boiled wool hats was originally worn as a hunting trophy - the larger the Gamsbart, the better the hunter - in other words meaning "the bigger the Gamsbart on the hat, the more revered and important in society".   

Traditionally, Gamsbärte (plural) were exclusively placed on hats worn by men; however, in recent years of trendy Dirndl fashion, we have seen Gamsbärte added to various places on female dresses as well as men's hats.

Alpen Schatz Gamsbärte are crafted in Germany and come in three sizes. They create the final, authentic traditional touch to your classic Alpenhut (Alpine hat). And remember - The Bigger the Better!


924 Sunrise Road Las Vegas NV